| 13-Feb-2025 : 13.02.2025 Regarding Senior Resident (Dentistry) Interview | 11-Feb-2025 : 11.02.2025//सूचना पत्र// समूह-5 भर्ती परीक्षा 2024 में विशेष आदिम जनजाति समुदाय बैगा, भारिया एवं सहारिया के प्राप्त आवेदनो की पात्र/अपात्र सूची। | 10-Feb-2025 : 10.02.2025 Vigyapti for Senior , Junior Resident and Application Form | 10-Feb-2025 : //सूचना पत्र//समूह-5 भर्ती परीक्षा 2023 में प्रतीक्षा सूची से दि.11.11.2024 को दस्तावेज सत्यापन हेतु आमंत्रित अभ्यर्थियों की पात्र/अपात्र एवं चयन सूची। | 08-Feb-2025 : 08.02.2025//प्रवेश संबंधी सूचना// पैरामेडिकल पाठ्यक्रम शिक्षण सत्र 2023-24



Department of Community Medicine with the age old saying of ‘prevention is better than cure’ aims to inculcate among the MBBS students the relevance of holistic approach of preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and social aspects of health and social aspects of health. The subject is taught by means of interactive lecture, demonstrations, field visits and various developmental activities. in the form of Role plays , Street plays, Poster competitions, awareness rallies. Regular family and community visits are organized and students made to understand the health problems of community in the real sense. Apart from health care delivery centers starting from Anganwadi, Primary health centers, Community Health Centre also visited are drug addiction centers, old age home, water filtration plants, sewage treatment plants. With these approach and vision the dept. has been training budding doctors in the area of public health and prepares them not only to be physicians but also policy makers, Services provided- by the department – Research, Academicians who work on ground and deliver over all health service at root level Ongoing research – Iodine deficiency disorder