| 13-Feb-2025 : 13.02.2025 Regarding Senior Resident (Dentistry) Interview | 11-Feb-2025 : 11.02.2025//सूचना पत्र// समूह-5 भर्ती परीक्षा 2024 में विशेष आदिम जनजाति समुदाय बैगा, भारिया एवं सहारिया के प्राप्त आवेदनो की पात्र/अपात्र सूची। | 10-Feb-2025 : 10.02.2025 Vigyapti for Senior , Junior Resident and Application Form | 10-Feb-2025 : //सूचना पत्र//समूह-5 भर्ती परीक्षा 2023 में प्रतीक्षा सूची से दि.11.11.2024 को दस्तावेज सत्यापन हेतु आमंत्रित अभ्यर्थियों की पात्र/अपात्र एवं चयन सूची। | 08-Feb-2025 : 08.02.2025//प्रवेश संबंधी सूचना// पैरामेडिकल पाठ्यक्रम शिक्षण सत्र 2023-24



General Surgery Department of Nandkumar Singh Chouhan Government Medical College Khandwa is providing surgical service both emergency and elective to people of dist. Khandwa nimar region our faculty is committed to provide best of facilities in is its speciality with compassionate care for surgical patients. We with be providing best education to our medical & Peramedical students. Service provided by the department  Patient Care : Daily OPD services, Indoor services & Emergenices services.  Services for : Elective surgery ( Major + Minor Sx)  Trauma & Burn care unit.  Emergency Surgeries  Educational : Students will have clinical posting, Seminar Tutorial, Lecture, Bedside teaching and Mortality Meets.  Training & CME  Undergraduate Course : Teaching will be provided according to NMC Curriculam.  Peramedical Courses : OT Assistant, Nurssing Students will be provided training according to NMC Curriculam.